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  • Writer's pictureBonnie Spann

The Liberating Journey of Dressing for Yourself: How the Green Lady Changed My Life

Ah, the paradox of being hailed as "best dressed" while harboring a clandestine feeling of fashion fraudulence. High school me, draped in carefully curated ensembles scoured from the bargain bins of Ross and the unexpected sartorial trove that is Cracker Barrel – yes, it sounds absurd, because it was. Despite the accolades and nods of approval from well-meaning elders, those outfits felt more like a straitjacket for my soul than an expression of my true self. Within the confines of societal expectations, I felt like a character from a period drama misplaced in the wrong century.

Then, like a verdant beacon in a sea of polyester, I encountered the Green Lady of Brooklyn. Her fearless embrace of all things green ignited a spark within me, propelling me on my own chromatic odyssey.

Fast forward to today, and you'll find me draped in shades of emerald, jade, and chartreuse from head to toe. Green shirts, pants, clogs, purses – you name it, I've embraced it in green. Even my living room resembles a verdant oasis, with a bright green couch resting atop a matching rug. But this newfound love for green isn’t just about making a fashion statement; it’s about reclaiming my happiness. It's a ritual of self-expression, a celebration of individuality, and a testament to the transformative power of color.

My journey to discover my personal fashion sense wasn’t without its challenges. I used to feel trapped in a cell of societal norms dictating what I should wear. But armed with nothing but a rebellious spirit and a closet full of questionable choices, I decided to break free.

Deciphering what I truly wanted to wear was daunting. But with each passing day, I adopted a new approach to dressing. Whether it was about comfort, experimenting with colors, or even challenging myself to wear that one top I was saving for a "very specific event that might maybe happen in the future where I would need this exact shirt", I embraced it all.

And you know what? Nobody cared. Not a single soul spared more than a passing glance at my outfit choices. It was a revelation. Others were too preoccupied with themselves to notice me for more than a short moment. So why do we invest so much time, money, and mental energy into something that ultimately has no weight? I blame it on society’s obsession with categorizing and compartmentalizing. I could even go as far as blaming Pinterest, but we all know it didn't start there (I will always love my Pinterest girlies xoxo).

It is tricky, though. Not only do I consider my style a reflection of my true self, but also a curation of all the things that have sparked my intrigue throughout the years. The Green Lady of Brooklyn, for example, was a notable influencer for me. Despite my efforts to stay true to my own desires and quirks, I find inspiration from those around me as I dress each day. This communal influence is a beautiful aspect of our interconnectedness. It's why we shouldn't confine ourselves to a box devoid of external inspiration. We need to learn to welcome others into our world. The Green Lady didn't invent a love for the color green, but her carefree attitude towards incorporating it into her style inspired me. I'm not ashamed to say she's one of many creative, unique individuals who inspire me. Pete Wentz says:

"I think that the first part of the art is making the art, but when art really becomes art is when it belongs to somebody else."

If getting dressed is an art, our intake and processing of the way others around us dress can be personal. We simply must choose to be inspired rather than loving something because it's going viral on TikTok. The power to break free from these chains lies within us and not from our favorite influencers. We can reclaim control over our wardrobes and our lives by embracing our individuality and quirks. The most important thing about getting dressed is to feel comfortable, confident, and authentically yourself.

So, if you ever spot a human-sized broccoli strolling down the street or perusing the produce aisle, don’t be alarmed. It’s just me, basking in the radiant glow of my favorite color and reveling in the simple joy of dressing for myself. And let me tell you, it’s a feeling that’s worth its weight in gold – or should I say, green.



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