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  • Writer's pictureBonnie Spann

New Beginnings

Beavertail Lighthouse, Jamestown, RI

Have you ever felt the tug of a life beyond the horizon, a whisper of possibility beckoning you toward the unknown?

I certainly have. My journey began just a few years ago when I ventured away from my Tennessee hometown and Arkansas college town to embrace an internship in Kansas City, Missouri. It was a leap into the unfamiliar, a plunge into a summer of exploration.

The mix of anxiety and excitement was palpable as I set foot in this new place. The thrill of the unknown, mingled with the fear of what lay ahead, created a potent blend of emotions that fueled my journey. Those summer months sparked a fire within me—a desire to seek out new experiences, to challenge myself, and to embrace the unfamiliar. I knew then that I yearned for a life that pushed me beyond my comfort zone.

As college graduation loomed on the horizon in May of 2023, I pursued opportunities in New England, particularly Massachusetts, a place I felt drawn to despite knowing little about it. Yet, the path to my newfound dreams was fraught with challenges.

Financial constraints loomed large as I juggled part-time work with my studies, barely scraping together enough to fund my move. But fate smiled upon me when I landed a job at the fantastic Jacob's Pillow Dance Festival in late March, offering not just a paycheck, but also a free place to live during the summer season—a dream scenario for a young adventurer like myself!

Stepping into this new chapter of my life was like entering a whole new world. Everything—the slang, the norms, the politics—was different. And yet, instead of feeling overwhelmed, I found solace in the novelty of it all. Growing up in the South, I often grappled with a sense of not quite belonging, of being different from my peers. But here, surrounded by kindred spirits who shared my interests and values, I finally felt at home.

As summer waned and the Festival drew to a close, the time came for me to forge my own path. With remote work granting me the freedom to live almost anywhere, I set my sights on Rhode Island, seeking a place where I could thrive.

From the moment I stepped into what is now my apartment, I knew I had found my sanctuary. Its charm—reflected in the vintage floral wallpaper, the large, luminous windows, the original wooden floors—enchanted me.

Seven months have passed since I moved to Rhode Island, and I've never been happier. Here, amidst a vibrant community and countless opportunities for growth, I've found a sense of belonging I never thought possible.

Each morning, as I wake to the gentle rhythm of life in Rhode Island, I am reminded that I am exactly where I'm meant to be. And for the first time in years, there's no urge to flee—to escape the present in pursuit of some elusive elsewhere. Here, in this place I now call home, I've found my peace and my purpose.


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